Wednesday, July 31, 2019

The Stranger vs the Awakening

In the novel The Stranger the main character Numerals is a male indifferent to society and seems to care about absolutely nothing. Even when his mother dies he is indifferent about it, the only thing he can have any feelings for at all is the nagging heat of the sun at the funeral. He even begins an affair with his mistress Marie the day after the funeral, clearly thinking about sex, which is very important to him. When Marie asks Numerals to marry her he says he could care less either way, which is a blatant sign of careless and emotionless thoughts.It is not until Numerals is imprisoned and sentenced to death does he begin to realize how much he likes his life. HE tells the reader that he sizes the ocean and craves sex and cigarettes, which is the first time he ever has a want or show of emotion towards anything. The Chaplin offers Numerals freedom and life if he will believe God, but of course Numerals will not give in and go against his beliefs. Just before the machine of society cuts him from existence, Numerals laughs in their face showing strength and victory.In The Awakening the main character Is Edna who is dissatisfied with her marriage and motherhood. She finds herself as a person and acts on her desire for sex and emotional connection with her newfound love Robert. There Is a gradual disconnection between Edna and her husband as the novel moves forth, yet Edna begins to slowly become more Independent and free willing at the same time. Her desires and blatant rebellion against the rules of society overwhelmingly Isolates her, causing her to give up end her life by suicide.Considering that Campus Is a male writing about a male character and Chopin Is a female writing about a female character It Is quite an Interesting Idea to pursue that this would affect the way each character handled adversity. Campus' character Numerals Is very strong and Indifferent to society throughout the novel and does not vive Into society. HIS lack of emotion also developed an Image of strength for the simple fact that nothing affected him, and he was Indifferent to all of society. This Is due to Campus growing up In a society that forces males to hide their emotions to give Off false sense of strength and power.Throughout Campus' life he had never claimed to be tied down In marriage having numerous affairs, having never truly assumed faith, as well as living In seclusion before publishing the novel also affected the way the character chose his paths. Numerals seems to be an extremist version of Campus myself, an example Is Merchants ever longing desire for sex and Campus numerous affairs. This also explains to the reader Merchants strength and personal victory through perseverance, which would only be given to a male character through the eyes AT a male autumn. Nonplus Deluge a Tamale writing tout a Tamale contracted most likely has a direct connection with why Edna chose the decision she did at the end of the novel. In the time period Chopin grew up women were not looked at as strong powerful figures that could handle tough situations. Chopin was writing this book after her husband's death in 1882, when he left her with $12,000 of debts. She tried to run their family plantation and store but she Just could not handle it.Being raised with this thought and conception of women being weak as well as her hard times faced while writing this novel is exactly why she had Edna commit suicide in the end of the novel. For Edna there was no escaping the problem, as there was no escaping the problem of debt for Chopin. She was either exiled from society or stuck living a life of unhappiness; her solution was to escape by taking the easy way out and killing herself. This action clearly shows the author's perception that females are not palpable of enduring times of adversity and hardship because she herself wanted to quit deep down on the inside.After reading both novels is it easy to see which character is stronger in their fight against so ciety? Edna took the easy way out by escaping through suicide, which is society over powering her and essentially winning the battle. Numerals on the other hand was never defeated by society; no matter what they threw at him he stood his ground and kept his beliefs. The ultimate sign of his strength and victory is when he laughs in the face of society essentially saying, â€Å"l won, I'm right, you cannot and will not break me. †

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Bite Me: A Love Story Chapter 16

16. Being the Chronicles of Abby Normal, Nosferatu Well, that was dramatic. Ronnie is all crying and cowering in the other room because I drank a little of her blood. Fuck's sakes, you mopey emo-toy, cowboy the fuck up, you have quarts! What did she expect, she got to kill me, that's not free? I'm not like some easy death slut who lets you kill her for nothing, I am nosferatu, bee-yotch. That shit has a price. Her blood totally tastes like zit cream, too. I almost hurled. I know, trs cool, non? So, now that I am a dark and beautiful creature of unspeakable evil, I think I'm going to start a pay-subscription blog. Except I can only, like, advertise darkness and unspeakable evil, because I'm totally starting from the beginning on the beauty. First, all my tattoos are totally gone. Gone! Like wiped off. After I succumbed to the dark gift by taking a whole bottle of the Motherbot's sleeping pills, Ronnie hid me under a pile of blankets and stuffed animals in her room, and when I awoke at sundown and crawled from my sepulcher of Carebears and Muppets and whatnot, all my tats totally wiped off. Like the ink was pushed out on top of my skin. Now Ronnie has an Epileptic Elmo with more of my ink on him than I have. And my piercings healed up. My bars and rings are all in the carpet. Boobs? Still pathetic. I had so hoped to swoop down on Foo and totally flash my awesome vampyre cleavage on him. You know, like put on a bustier and really squish the girls out the top, then be all: BAM! â€Å"Check it out, Foo. Cower before killer dcolletage, and beg me to let you rub your handsome ninja face on it.† But no! Now he'll be all, â€Å"Oh, it looks like you dropped a couple of dimes down your shirt, vamp child. Can I help you with those?† So I suffer. And you can't get implants. I saw what happens when the Animals' blue hooker turned vampyre. You wake up and your implants are on the floor and you're all, â€Å"Hey, I blew like a hundred strangers to get those.† I'm only estimating. I'm sure the number of strangers will vary depending on prevailing suck and surgical rates in your area. (You acquire arcane medical knowledge when your mother is a nurse.) You can't have stuff removed either, you know, if that might be needed. Even my makeup is ruined from where Ronnie tried to smother me with a pillow, so that's going to take like an hour to fix. I had heard that sometimes even when you overdose on a whole butt-load of drugs, you don't always die because your heart won't stop, which is why you're supposed to put your head in a plastic bag. But I didn't want to because I had done Cleopatra eye makeup that was trs elegant so I would look hawt for my resurrection. So Ronnie was supposed to put her hand over my mouth and nose, just until I stopped breathing, then like fix my lipstick if it smeared. Because otherwise I'd be all girlfriend in a coma for weeks while the Motherbot whined about how she couldn't unplug me because of her guilt for treating me like an assbag and how she had never appreciated my dark complexity and inner beauty and whatnot, and I have too much shit to do for that. But Ronnie didn't even wait for me to pass out. I had just taken the pills with some Sunny D (because the nosferatu love us some irony), and I laid down on the floor like we had planned, so Ronnie could just roll my body under the bed to hide me from the deadly rays of the sun and Mom. So I'm grieving for the loss of my mortality and whatnot, when Ronnie, like, just throws a pillow on my face and sits on it. And I'm all, â€Å"Wait, wait, mmphff, mmphf.† And then she burned one-right in my face-one of those foul, vegan farts-because she's been a vegan ever since she had head lice and we shaved her head. (I don't know why. Something about garlic and parasites. She's insane.) ‘Kayso, I decided that I could wait to receive the dark gift, and that Ronnie would have to die as soon as I got her off me. So she, like, burns another one! And she's skinnier than me. I don't know how she could even have it in her. And she's laughing so hard that she falls off of me and I make my move. ‘Kayso, I'm chasing her around the house, going, â€Å"I'm going to peel off your skin and make it into boots and step in dog shit with them,† and other basic super-villain threats, and then things got all wiggly and the last thing I remember is I walked into the sliding glass doors to the balcony and kind of bounced off. And so tragically, I died young, and no one was there to grieve for me or shed tears for me or kiss my cold, lifeless lips and whatnot. But now I'm undead awesome. I think with practice, I will make a super, super-villain, and really, I'm okay with that, because there won't be any student loans like there would have been with my other career choice of tragic romantic poet. ‘Kayso, now I must fix my makeup and pick an ensem and then wander the lonely night, searching for the Countess and the vampyre Flood, and maybe drop by the love lair to totally overwhelm Foo with my haunting and eternal but still small-chested beauty. Kthxbye. Being immortal rocks! I can type like demon speed! Fear me! L8z. THE EMPEROR The Emperor and the men shared a submarine sandwich on a bench by Pier Nine in the bright noonday sun as they watched a dark knife of a yacht glide into dock. She was just short of the length of a football field, all black, with stainless-steel trim-what the Emperor imagined a star-ship might look like if it were driven by sails. The sails on her three stainless-steel masts were mechanically furled into black carbon fiber shrouds, and the curved windows of her cockpit and cabin were blacked out. There were no crewmen on the deck. In all his years on and around the sea, the Emperor had never seen anything like it. Bummer flattened his ears and growled. â€Å"Easy, little one, it's only a sailing ship, and a beautiful one at that,† said the Emperor, although he thought it quite strange that there was no crew on deck to secure the mooring lines. A ship of that size, and more important, of that expense, would usually have half a dozen or more tying her up, but once parallel with the dock, attitude jets along the sides opened in the hull and gently pushed her into the dock. Jets on the far side pushed back so she stopped within six inches and hovered there, the jets firing just as needed to keep her from drifting. Three hundred feet of steel and carbon fiber, probably over twelve hundred tons, parked as easily and somewhat more smoothly than a Mini Cooper at a strip mall. Bummer ran to the edge of the breakwater and let loose with machine-gun volley of yapping, which translated, â€Å"Bad boat, bad boat, bad boat, bad boat.† A barking fit from his bug-eyed companion was nothing out of the ordinary, and normally the Emperor would have let it pass with a calming word, but there was still half a submarine sandwich to be eaten, and something had to be very much amiss for Bummer to leave the scene of a sandwich. Now Lazarus sniffed the chill wind coming off the Bay and whimpered, and tossed his head, then looked back at the Emperor, which translated from dog to, â€Å"Smells undead, boss.† The Emperor didn't understand what his companions were saying to him, but he suspected. He just wasn't ready to hear it. It had only been a few hours since the two police inspectors had dropped him off at the St. Francis Yacht Club, where the members allowed him and the men the use of the outer showers, and one of the members had purchased this lovely sandwich and presented it to them in thanks for their service to the City. Only an hour since he'd actually managed to straighten his neck out, after spending the better part of a night upside-down in a barrel. And only now, after a walk along the waterfront and a good meal, was the pain in his knees and shoulders starting to subside. He wasn't ready to go back into battle. â€Å"I am a selfish old man,† he said to the men. â€Å"A coward, worried for my own comfort, when my people are threatened. I am afraid.† But even as he said it, he was rising on his creaky knees, pushing himself up on the walking stick he'd retrieved only this morning from the Yacht Club, where he'd left it for safekeeping. The handle was carved out of ivory into the shape of a polar bear, and it fit the Emperor's hand like it had been made for him, although it had been a gift from a nice young man named Asher, who owned the secondhand store in North Beach, but that's another story. He wished there had been a blade in it, like the cane young Asher carried. Alas, he would have to face the black ship with only a stick, a sandwich, and his intrepid furry companions. He puffed himself blowfish style and headed up the dock, Bummer and Lazarus following along behind him, ears lowered, trailing a two-part growling harmony. A few people had gathered along the fence at the breakwater, and were pointing to the great ship. It wasn't so unusual that one might bring his day to a full halt, but if you were in the middle of a run or a brisk walk and needed a reason for a pause, the black ship would certainly fire the imagination long enough for you to catch your breath. Once at the ship, the Emperor was unsure of what to do. There was really no reason beyond Bummer's behavior to justify boarding her. And this ship was not of his city, therefore he could not claim dominion over it. He could hear the attitude jets firing just under the water, sporadically, to keep the ship in place. It was only a step, albeit a long step, and he'd be standing on the deck at her prow. Perhaps, having made the leap, a further course of action would occur to him. He backed up on the dock to take a run at it, or as much of a run as his advanced age and boiler-tank bulk would allow him, but as he announced â€Å"two† on his count-down to launch, a tanned face surrounded by a tangle of blond dreadlocks popped up over the rail of the cockpit and a young man called, â€Å"Irie, mi crusty uncle, bringing us the jammin' grinds, yeah? I and I tanks ye colossal, but please to be waiting on the dock.† And the Emperor stopped. Bummer and Lazarus even stopped growling and sat and turned their heads in the manner of a doggie listening for a â€Å"food† word amid a recitation of The Iliad. The young man vaulted over the black cowling of the cockpit and landed on the lower deck, his bare feet barely making a thump. He was lean and muscular, tanned a caf au lait color, with a tattoo of a humpback whale on his right pectoral muscle. He wore board shorts, despite the chill Bay air, a gold ring in his nose, and a series of them chasing down the rim of each ear. His dreadlocks fanned out around his head and shoulders as if they might be sun serpents looking for a way to escape. He leapt the gap to the dock, dazzled a blindingly white grin, and snatched the remains of the sandwich out of the Emperor's hand. â€Å"Ah, Jah's love on ye, Uncle, bringing de rippin' grinds to I'n'I after so long at sea.† Bummer barked and growled. The Rasta-blond had their sandwich. â€Å"Ah, me doggie, dreadies,† said the Rasta. â€Å"Jah's blessings on ye.† He knelt and scratched Bummer behind the ears. The stranger smelled of coconut oil, weed, and the undead, and Bummer was going to bite him as soon as he was finished having his ears scratched. â€Å"I'n'I be Pelekekona Keohokalole. Call him Kona, for short. Pirate Captain and lion of the briny science, don't cha know?† â€Å"I am the Emperor of San Francisco, protector of Alcatraz, Sausalito, and Treasure Island,† said the Emperor, who couldn't bring himself to be impolite to the smiling stranger, despite the black ship. â€Å"Welcome to my city.† â€Å"Ah, many tanks, Bruddah. Much respek on you, yeah? But you can't be going on that Raven ship, no. She kill you, brah. Automatic-kine kill. Dead, dead, too. Not walkin' around dead like them below.† â€Å"It goes without saying,† said the Emperor. FOO DOG The rats had been up and moving for about an hour when Foo heard the key in the front door. He put the soldering iron he was using in the wire holder and was turning toward the door when she was on him. He felt his vertebrae crack as her legs wrapped around him and he went over backward. Something caught the back of his head and something wet and coppery was shoved into his mouth: tongue. Panic vibrated through him and he felt he might suffocate, but then the smell: a mix of sandalwood perfume, clove cigarettes, and caff latte. Amid the panic, he'd sprung a first-rate erection, which he thrust against his attacker in defense. She pushed away and twisted up a handful of his shirt-front as he gasped for breath. â€Å"Rawr!† she rawred. â€Å"I missed you,† said Foo. â€Å"Your suffering has only begun,† Abby said. She wore a red tartan miniskirt over a black leotard with a low swooping neckline, a spiked dog collar, and her lime-green Converse Chuck Taylors, which she sometimes referred to as her â€Å"forbidden love Chucks† for no reason that he could ever figure out. â€Å"You're kind of crushing my ribs.† â€Å"That is because I am nosssssss-feratu and my powers are legion and stuff! Trs cool, huh?† Foo realized then that she had actually done it-she had somehow managed to change herself into a vampire. Her nose, eyebrow, and lip rings were gone, the piercings healed. The spider tattoo on her neck was gone as well. â€Å"How?† he asked, immediately trying to calculate her odds of survival. He'd talked to her yesterday on the phone and he was sure she would have mentioned the transition if she'd made it already, so she was in her first twenty-four hours. She might still be one of the ones who went insane and self-destructed, and even though Abby was short neither on insanity or self-destruction, it didn't mean he shouldn't try to save her. She kissed him again, hard, and as nice as it felt, he was hyper aware of whether she had broken the skin on his lips, or hers. So far, so good. She pushed him back, but then caught the back of his head again so it didn't bang the floor. She actually seemed a little more considerate now that she was dead, although not that much quieter. â€Å"Be patient, my love ninja, I will use you like the delicious manga-haired man-whore that you are, but first we have to try out my powers. Let some of the rats out of their cages and I will command them with my vampire psychic thoughts. I'll see if I can get them to clean the kitchen.† Okay, maybe they weren't out of the insanity woods quite yet, Foo thought. He said, â€Å"Yes, and then we'll see if we can get bluebirds to tie a ribbon in your hair.† â€Å"Snark not, Foo! You must obey me! I am the Countess Abigail Von Normal, queen bitch of the night, and you are my groveling sex slave!† â€Å"Are you a countess or a queen? You said both.† â€Å"Shut up, grommet, before I suck you dry!† â€Å"Okay,† said Foo. A wise man picks his battles. â€Å"Not that way, Foo. I mean that I will dominate you and you will do my bidding!† â€Å"Which will be different from any other day, how?† â€Å"Cease your banality and nerdardious questions, Foo. You are totally harshing my heady power over the night.† â€Å"It sounds like you bought a flashlight.† â€Å"That's it. I am going to beat your ninja ass.† She leapt off of him and made the â€Å"crouching tiger, rip your heart out† kung-fu posture that everyone who has seen a martial arts movie knows. â€Å"Wait! Wait! Wait!† â€Å"‘Kay,† said Abby, relaxing to the much less dangerous â€Å"slouching tiger chillin' with a bag of Cheetos† stance, which is known by all who have ever snacked. â€Å"You need to feed, get your strength up first,† said Foo. â€Å"You're a vampire noob. You need to grow into your powers.† â€Å"Ha,† said Abby. â€Å"You speak like a mortal who can't possibly grasp the depth of the dark gift. I jumped over a car on the way here. And I totally ran faster than the F train. My Chucks are still warm with residual speediness. Go ahead, feel them. Lick them, if you must. Even now I can see this aura thing around you, which is like bright pink, and doesn't go with your fly hair and manly bulge.† Foo looked down. Yes, his bulge was betraying him. He said, â€Å"You should take it slow, Abby.† â€Å"Oh yeah, watch this!† In an instant she was across the loft at the kitchen counter, and in another instant she had shot back across the living room and hit the plywood covering the windows. There was nothing Foo could do. She might have lifted the couch, leapt up fifteen feet, and grabbed the open ceiling beams, or even turned to mist, if she'd figured out how to do that, but what she had decided to do to show her powers was blast through the quarter-inch plywood and land catlike on the street below. And that would have been badass, to be sure. What Abby didn't know was that while she'd been gone, the window guy had called, and he wouldn't be able to come out to fix the windows for two weeks, so Foo had replaced the quarter-inch plywood with three-quarter-inch plywood, and instead of it just being tacked at the corners with small nails, he had screwed it down with stainless-steel screws, so as not to leave any vapor gaps for the rats to make an escape. Foo cringed and covered his eyes. She was fast, and preternaturally strong, but ninety pounds of vampire is still only ninety pounds. Did she hit the plywood Wile E. Coyote style, then slide down? Wah-wah-wah. Oh no. She hit the plywood, which bent precipitously, then splintered a bit before springing back and rocketing her all the way across the loft to the back wall, and there, she made a petite Goth girl impression in the sheet rock before falling forward, flat on her face, and saying, â€Å"Fucksocks,† into the rug. â€Å"You okay?† asked Foo. â€Å"Broken,† said Abby into the rug. He knelt over her, afraid to turn her head to see what damage she might have done. â€Å"What's broken?† â€Å"Everything.† â€Å"I'll get you some blood out of the fridge. You should heal pretty fast.† â€Å"‘Kay,† said Abby, still face-down, not having moved since the initial impact. â€Å"Don't look at me, okay?† â€Å"No way,† said Foo, already in the kitchen. He took one of the plastic pouches of blood from the fridge and worked it back and forth. â€Å"Just a second. Don't move, Abs, you might have broken bones.† He quick-stepped into the bedroom, grabbed a capped syringe off the cabinet where he kept the chemicals, flipped off the cap, and injected the sedative into the bag. â€Å"Here you go, baby. Just drink this and you'll be fine.† Ten minutes later he heard someone coming up the stairs and realized that Abby had forgotten to lock the door. Jared bounded into the loft, stopped when he saw Foo kneeling over the prostrate Abby, who had a sizable pool of blood around her head, and began screaming. â€Å"Stop screaming!† barked Foo. â€Å"It's not her blood.† Jared stopped screaming. â€Å"What did you do to her?† â€Å"Nothing, she's fine. Would you move the maze off the bed and help me get her in there?† Sometime during the debacle, Abby's skirt had flipped up and Jared pointed at an oblong lump that ran across her bottom and partly down her leg under the black leotard. â€Å"What's that? Did she poop herself?† â€Å"No,† said Foo, wishing he didn't know what it was, but he had already checked for himself. â€Å"It's a tail.† â€Å"Whoa. Weird.† â€Å"Yeah,† said Foo.

Management Techniques

Moreover, the manager hired also needs to have experience in planning, organizing, leading, and controlling a new service department in order to provide excellent customer service. Based on these qualifications, the following five questions will help determine If this candidate can take charge, organize things, and get people motivated and working again In a Service Department: 1 . Can you tell me of a situation wherein you think you're going to fall, but you were able to reverse the situation and succeed?Can you tell me what you did? (Burblers, 2004) This question ill assess the candidate's temperament particularly how he acts under pressure. Moreover, the answers provided will also indicate the level of the candidate's planning, organizing, leading and controlling skills as solving a dilemma successfully requires a more than average skills in these functions. 2. â€Å"Tell me about the most different employee situation you have ever had to handle. What did you do about it, what wa s the result† (Kodak, p. 39).This question will help me determine the candidate's core competencies as regards motivating people and getting available resources at hand to get the Job done. 3. We all feel that we are unique In our accomplishments; can you tell me an Instance that you feel Is unique? This question will help In assessing the confidence of the candidate on himself. A manager to be an effective leader, must exude confidence, otherwise his staff will not have confidence on his ability to lead them as well. 4. Tell me about a time when you turned down a good job.The answer will help me assess whether the candidate can actually deliver results. 5. Tell me what you have done on a consistent basis to ensure that your staff or direct report feel valued for their contributions. The candidate's answer will help me determine the level of the candidate's interpersonal skills specifically his behavior towards people working under him. The way the candidate answers the above questions will help the hiring manager assess his communication and interpersonal skills.In looking for the right person to fill the position of manager for the new department, that person must show above average skills and capabilities In managing people particularly In directing them towards the attainment of the organization's goals. This is important since the division that the manager will be meaning Is a new one, tune tans could De Klan to uncreated territories. Lastly' t person must also be experienced in exploring new things and being comfortable outside his comfort zone.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Issues-Long Hours vs. Meeting Customer Needs Assignment

Issues-Long Hours vs. Meeting Customer Needs - Assignment Example What she doesn’t see is a number of personnel, management, leadership, communication and training problems that Frame It is beset with at the present. If she is not careful, this could spell disaster and even possible closure for the business, so it is better that she take note and do something like getting professional help to sort out these myriad problems. To this end, she has finally recognized the serious nature of the various issues that face the business and is prepared to hire a Human Resources and Organizational Behaviour expert to take charge of the present situation and handle it as best he can so that all the issues are sorted out and the business can resume with renewed vigour and success. I am the Human Resources and Organization Behaviour expert who was called in to review and handle the situation and am soon due to meet the CEO giving her my points of view on the current situation and what needs to be done to set it right. I might add that Fran is prepared to give me considerable authority and responsibility so that the situation is handled in the best possible manner and with a minimum of interference from other staff or management. The remaining parts of this report will discuss the present scenario, the various aspects that need to be handled and how the situation can be set right again to the satisfaction of both employees and management. From the available facts recounted in the case, it is evident that there is trouble brewing up between management and employees. For one thing, the long hours, lower pay, lack of training and absence of motivational factors have frustrated the employees. The authoritarian attitude of the CEO does not help the situation, and that is why she has called in a Human Resources and organization Behaviour expert to handle the situation. It was one of the best things she could do under the circumstances.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

POLITICAL DISENGAGEMENT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

POLITICAL DISENGAGEMENT - Essay Example Active citizenship is promoted and understood by vitally examining the roles of citizens and how they perceive it, how the sense of belonging is developed and ownership in their social communities, and how this role is subjectively experienced. It is essentially important to investigate the many diverse groups, especially marginalized crowds that risk being politically disengaged due to gender, age or ethnic belonging. This of course is if we want to develop policies that are effective and sanctions that are levelheaded. In order to achieve democracy, a reconfiguration of participation, diversity, pluralism and diversity are essential. Citizenship could also be expanded by analyzing political participation among relegated groups (Rollenhagen, 1982). This will substantially contribute to policy and scholarly debates vis-a -vis deficit in democracy. Voter turnout has been a major problem in the United Kingdom. It has been on a decline while public disengagement from political processes in general has been influenced largely by a stretch of aspects. Factors as First-Past-The-Post can be linked to this disengagement. Parliaments increasingly fail to reflect on voting patterns of the people, hence many voters are literally left disenfranchised. Their electorate choices remain unrepresented or grossly under represented (Pollard et al 2009). Intangible factors that influence the civilian minds are at times immeasurable. An example is, the large number of people in the United Kingdom that do not comprehend the functionality of the country’s political system, thus it becomes difficult for an average citizen to appreciate what the parliament does or what the elected members engage in.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

News reading Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

News reading - Essay Example Mainly because not everyone can afford to pay for healthcare every year. For as long as unemployment remains a big part of the problem of Americas modern economy, mandatory healthcare coverage has no place in its society. Forcing mandatory coverage on people just to avoid a tax penalty will result in people purchasing the cheapest or the most affordable health insurance plan within their budget. But it will not guarantee that their pre-existing or future health conditions will be covered under the plan. Neither does it mean that the current plan of the person will still be affordable to the person. Instead, deregulation of healthcare should be pushed and doctors fees must be moderated by a governing health care services body in order to make healthcare more affordable to the people. By allowing free enterprise to flourish and giving people the option to choose their physician, they will be able to truly find a market for cheaper yet effective healthcare. Healthcare should be about competition for the best patient care between doctors, not between health insurance

Friday, July 26, 2019

Aristotle's Theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Aristotle's Theory - Essay Example e fact that Aristotle believes that the soul exists until there is a body, the philosopher recognizes activity of the mental processes and their involvement in physiological states of a person. Considering the relationship between body and soul, Aristotle points out an inextricable link between them. â€Å"Unlike Plato, he has no objection to so intimate a relation between the mental and the physical† (Caston 331). In fact, he expresses the conviction that their interaction can be regarded as monism. Recognizing the link between body and soul, Aristotle says that the soul is active, not passive. Unlike the supporters of epiphenomenalism, Aristotle argues that the physiological processes can be the result of certain psychological processes. There are two possibilities (Caston 330). Some physiological processes are the result of both physical and psychological conditions, while others can only be the result of certain mental changes. To sum up, there are no reasons to believe that Aristotle supports the standpoint of epiphenomenalism on the importance of psychological states in human activities. On the contrary, Aristotle emphasizes activity of the mental properties and their impact on various physiological states. Thus, Aristotle understands the unity of body and soul as an opportunity to influence each

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Discourse Analysis on Zoos are internment camps for animals and should Essay

Discourse Analysis on Zoos are internment camps for animals and should be shut down - Essay Example The arguments that the author uses are mainly factual, which shows a reliance on logos in terms of rhetorical appeal. In the introduction there are some historical details about the origin of zoos in ancient history, and this situates the topic as a phenomenon which human beings have experienced over many centuries. A particularly offensive kind of zoo with human exhibits is cited and this example is an appeal to pathos, because the reader cannot fail to feel pity for the human beings who were treated in this offensive way. The first main argument concerns the rights of animals. An extended analogy is made between animals in zoo and human beings who are not able to think for themselves. This refers to young children, some very old people, and individuals who suffer from illnesses or conditions that prevent them from using full rational faculties. In human law, these individuals who cannot think for themselves have the same rights as other human beings. The author relies on scholarly literature to show that the same rights should be available to animals, who are similar to this category of non-rational human beings. Some evidence is drawn from PETA, which is an animal rights organization, and although it is useful in pointing out the worst examples of zoo mismanagement, it is a rather biased source. There is a lack of information on examples of remedial work or good care in zoos, for example in rehabilitating animals that have been rescued from poachers or from scientific experiment labs and this is a weakness in the essay. The reader feels somehow tricked if one side of an argument is pressed too strongly, and the other side is treated with less thoroughness, and with extreme examples. Anecdotal evidence about tigers dying of malnutrition in China represents a special case, and it is not very reasonable to cite this as a typical practice in zoos across the world. The author could have made the essay better by acknowledging that in a very few cases, there may be an argument for letting people view animals, in return for paying an entrance fee that helps to support these animals when they are no t well enough to return to the wild. The second argument against zoos is the harm that is done to animals, and the behavioural symptoms that animals show when they are badly treated in zoos. This is a logical, factual account that supports the main argument. The counter argument, that zoos help endangered species, is cited to demolish any views that the reader might hold in favor of retaining zoos. This is the weakest part of the essay, because further research would have shown that some species have been brought back from extinction through programs organized by zoos. The author uses a calm and reasonable tone throughout the essay, even though the subject is quite an emotional one, and many people have strong feelings about it. The persuasion mode is direct, starting with the assertion that zoos should be shut down, and citing a number of reasons why this is the case. One important rhetorical device that is used is the key metaphor expressed in the title: â€Å"zoos are internment camps†. This metaphor is very clever because it forces the reader to think of zoos from the point of view of the animals in them. It makes the reader think of animals as prisoners, which is a sort of personification, and the

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Business Strategy - multi-national conglomerate Essay

Business Strategy - multi-national conglomerate - Essay Example Due to the company's huge size, it faces problems adjusting to the requirements in rapidly changing market conditions. Recommended Strategies The company should concentrate on development of cordless tools and market them using its effective advertising strategy. The manufacturing plant needs to be relocated to relatively economical area so that the cost of production can be reduced. Separate positioning is required for consumer and professional tools; hence the company should brand them separately. Smaller and manageable Strategic Business Units (SBUs) can be created which are more responsive to the changing market demand and needs. The company should engage the distributors using concept of vertical integration. 1.2.2 Makatume Lack of focus on power tools for consumer market channel that is expected to grow. This might result in loss of revenue to the company. Recommended Strategies The company needs to address this issue by establishing a division for producing power tools for consumer market including corded and cordless tools. These tools should be developed for individuals and Do-It-Yourself (DIY) type of users. 1.3 Opportunities 1.3.1 Smith and White Corporation The rest of the market consists of several domestic and foreign niche competitors with no one having greater than 5% share of the total market. The cordless tools market is growing at a high rate and can be tapped. Recommended Strategies The company should focus on developing cordless tools as the market is growing at a very high rate of 10% per year. Research and development budget needs to be established and innovative designs and models should be developed to tap this developing market. In addition, the company should develop strategies to increase barriers to entry for...The manufacturing plant needs to be relocated to relatively economical area so that the cost of production can be reduced. Separate positioning is required for consumer and professional tools; hence the company should brand them separately. Smaller and manageable Strategic Business Units (SBUs) can be created which are more responsive to the changing market demand and needs. The company should engage the distributors using concept of vertical integration. The company needs to address this issue by establishing a division for producing power tools for consumer market including corded and cordless tools. These tools should be developed for individuals and Do-It-Yourself (DIY) type of users. The company should focus on developing cordless tools as the market is growing at a very high rate of 10% per year. Research and development budget needs to be established and innovative designs and models should be developed to tap this developing market. In addition, the company should develop strategies to increase barriers to entry for new competitors making it difficult for them to enter the market. In addition to raising barriers to entry for potential new entrants in to the market, the company should focus on untapped consumer channel power tools m

Art History paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Art History paper - Essay Example 45). Hans Holbein is among the most accomplished and also innovative painters in the history. His portraits are recognized instantly due to his creativity. Hans Holbein had a renaissance mind and vision. The portraits he painted got made with much skills and imagination. Due to his modest attitude, the painter made pictures that were of high value. The paintings he made spoke for themselves. Hans Holbein made three paintings of a scholar Erasmus of Rotterdam, whose advice was sought by many. The painting of Erasmus of Rotterdam got done in profile. It was contrary to his usual work of having the paintings in full face (Wolf et al. 46). The main idea of presenting the painting in profile was to show the intellectual independence that he possessed. A person who gets painted in full reveals him or herself and must pose in a way that reveals a favorable light. However, a person who gets painted in profile allows the model to assume the artist. In the portrait of Erasmus, the turning away is revealed by the intense intellectual concentration of the scholar. It is explained by the facial expression and also the writing hand. The sharp features shown indicate a critical mind, the sensitivity in his hands and also indecision (Wolf et al. 49). The characteristics in the portrait are made to describe the scholar carefully. The attire he was in was of simple style and also costly. It demonstrated the beauty for simplicity and good taste the scholar possessed. The three rings the scholar had in his fingers indicated that he was not vanity free. Holbein got informed on the perspective of a single point in art. The applied the antique motifs as well as the architectural forms. The painting made by Holbein on the dynastic Tudor at the white wall showed that he had prepared towards a large mural. The painting included 25 pieces; each piece was cut and painted on the background (Wolf et al. 50). A painting should get

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Discussion 2 Week 5 Market Research Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Discussion 2 Week 5 Market Research - Assignment Example For instance, a government agency, CDC plans to purchase a medical equipment which would address health needs of a population at risk in a certain state. As such, it is in the most appropriate capacity, in terms of knowledge, resources, and skills to discern the best research methodology to use in justifying that purchasing the equipment would benefit the identified population and achieve health standards and goals of the federal government. 2. Analyze the importance and explain the value of a market research plan in the acquisition and distribution of supplies and services. Support your position with examples. Explain which aspect of the market research plan is likely to be the most valuable for those seeking to acquire a company. A market research plan enables the government agency to identify in a more in-depth presentation and structure, their needs in the acquisition and distribution of supplies and services; as well as the manner within which these identified needs are to be satisfied through the results generated from the research. As emphasized, â€Å"agencies use the results of market research to determine if sources are available to meet their needs, especially any sources providing commercial or nondevelopmental items† (OConnor, 2007, p. 174). The market research plan is revealed to have no prescribed format; but should contain, at least, the following aspects: â€Å"explanation of the acquisition’s background and purpose; description of the agency’s minimum needs, in terms of function and performance; desired schedule of delivery; list of small business and other sources who were contacted, including the methodology used for compiling and refining the list of potential vendors; discussion of customary commercial practices; identification of price ranges discovered; and a description of available commercial or non†developmental items† (U.S. Small

Monday, July 22, 2019

How to Describe Yourself Essay Example for Free

How to Describe Yourself Essay You could ask a hundred people to describe themselves and what they like least and most about themselves, and I bet you would get the same answer every time. People would say they are caring, sweet, loving, forgiving, nice, and respectful. The thing is though not everyone is what they say they are. Some people say they are forgiving but the still hold grudges and other may say they are truthful but tell that one white lie. So how can I describe myself to you? I would have to start with being honest about who I really am. I would describe myself as being honest, caring, loving, nurturing, forgiving, and a lot of other things. But I am not completely honest or completely loving or forgiving, no human being is. I tell that one white lie every now and again like: no that top looks great on you, or no you don’t look fat in those jeans. And to say that I am completely loving is not true either. There are some things I hate in life such as: tomatoes, bad hair days, and snow. Finally to say that I am forgiving would be a lie, I hold grudges longer than most people, and if you cross that certain line there’s no coming back and there is no forgiveness for you. So to say I am completely truthful, loving or forgiving would be a lie in itself. The qualities I would like to see flourish and whither about myself are the same qualities everyone has. I would like to see my bad habits of biting nails, or eating when I’m bored to wither away. But some of my best qualities I would like to see grow and expand are, being caring, putting others before myself, or helping someone in need whether my needs are more important or not. This entire thing comes back to what I describe myself as and how I really am. Some qualities about myself I want gone in a second but others I wouldn’t trade for the world. It all depends on how you view yourself. The qualities I like about myself the most are the fact that I can overlook whatever a person has done in their life and still see the good in them that’s trying to break free. Also no matter when or where if someone needs help and I know I can help them I will do it no matter what the cost. On the other hand the qualities I don’t like about myself are just like everyone else’s. I don’t like that fact that I have low self-esteem, or that I don’t have the same characteristics of other people. Also I don’t like that I sometimes judge a person just by looking at them and then I have my mind made up. But these are the qualities that make us human. Over all everyone has a good and bad quality about themself, no matter what race, religion, ethnic background ,everyone has something in common and that is the thing that makes us unique and separates us from each other. I wouldn’t trade any of my best characteristics or my good qualities. I would however change some of my bad qualities, or at least try to improve them. I as a human being have my ups and downs and have my flaws but that’s what makes me so special and so unique. So asking me to describe myself as a human being is really a trick question because it’s all a matter of my own opinion mixed with how the world sees me.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Analysis Of Short Story Daisy Miller

Analysis Of Short Story Daisy Miller It is very interesting to analyze this short novel à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¾Daisy Miller written by Henry James. This novel has a lot of fascinating things ready to be discovered and understood, and behind the story of the novel a lot of symbols are hidding ready to be dyscovered and understood. This symbols are revealing a new perspective upon the story, a new way of understanding the narrative. Another interesting thing noticed in Daisy Miller is the permanent contrast that is being created, like a symbolic opposition between summer and winter, hot and cold, youth and old age, flower (daisy) and winter, life and death. Daisy Miller herself is an image situated in the middle of contrastive opinions, she plays the part of the innocent girl, being permanently judged by society, judged by Winterbourne, although deep inside she is innocent and pure; so, an incongruity between reality and appearance is being created. Another interesting aspect of this novel is the setting. From the beginning of the book, the author makes a great introduction by situating the action, placing the reader slowly in the situation. Firstly the location is being named: At the little town in Veney, in Switzerland, so, the place is set. The narrative technique used by the author in the first paragraphs is a very interesting one. The image is firstly enlarged and then slowly with every word, the background converges, persisting on the description of the hotel and the tourist, ending by setting the time: a beautiful summer morning and then concentrating on one of the novels character: Winterbourne. So, a part of the action takes part in Switzerland and another segment of the novels action takes place in Rome. These two settings are notarbitrary chosen, both have a deep significance. These places are symbols of other literary works or genres. Firstly both are tight related with Romantic poets whom Winterbourne deeply regard. Mary Shelleys Frankenstein takes place largely in Switzerland, and Mary Shelley wrote it during the time that she, Percy Bysshe Shelley, and Lord Byron sojourned at Lake Geneva. Mary Shelley and John Keats are both buried in the Protestant Cemetery, which becomes Daisys own final resting place  [4]  . Chapter three starts with the sentence: Winterbourne, who had returned to Geneva the day after his excursion to Chillon, went to Rome towards the end of January  [5]  . This sentence points exactly the three main locations where the action of the novel takes place and where the characters of the novel express their relationships and their attitudes. Not randomly chosen, the capital of Italy, Rome might be seen as a mute character, a silent witness of the action or as a background that links contrastive matters. Rome is the city of Renaissance, the city where art bloomed, a city where the artist might easily find the place to express. Here, Daisy behaves in a very libertine way; she doesnt care about any social or ethical values, maintaining her innocence and her integrity without anybody, especially Winterbourne to notice that. Daisy, like an artist, is only judged and condemned and only after her dead she is being understood and appreciated. In Rome there was a lot of talking about the so called Roman fever; this line has a double significance, although firstly it could be understood as the mothers worry about their daughters, this expression symbolize a disease: malaria, the malady that was haunting the city, and who finally kills Daisy. Another important setting of the novels action is the Coliseum; this is the background where a very important scene takes place. Here Daisy has the final encounter with Winterbourne, here she contacts the fever, malaria and after that she dies. This place is not randomly chose. In ancient times, the Coliseum was a place famous for different fights and contests. But also, the Coliseum is well-known as the place where centuries of Christian martyrdoms took place  [6]  . Considering this background from a symbolic perspective the Coliseum becomes a place where an innocent girl was killed without having any guilt and being pure and sinless just like the Christians in the ancient times. It is typical for Henry James to represent the society of people interested in ideas and refinements of subtle manner. He often was considered as being a cosmopolite because he liked travelling so much and he often moved between America, England and Europe. The conflict between Americans and Europeans can be found as one of the main themes in the background of his novel. This theme has at its basis a modernistic concept specific to the age. The American origin plays a great role in the novel because all the characters that bare this nationality are the greatest characters, that mature and finally achieve a greatness at the end of the novel. The usual image that we find is the one of the American that loses a part of that initial innocence when encountering the figure of the European with life experience. When it comes to James structure of the novel, we can find that almost all of them are structured in the same way. We have a central thing that supremely matters, as James himself said, that all the lines point at. In Daisy Miller , this supreme matter is Winterbourne lust for the discovery of Daisys innocence. As a consequence we have the circular structure of the novel as an approach to the central subject. Henry James offers us situations of a society that he was part of and we can see that in his novels, every incident has its function in providing us more information about a situation or a character. Although we may be tempted to say that he had a sort of realism in his works, the only reality we can find is the description of a society of conflict.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Myth Of Equality In American Society Politics Essay

The Myth Of Equality In American Society Politics Essay The American society is viewed by the global community as the nation of freedom, as the country in which any person is able to experience the greatest degree of equality. Indeed, the United States of America is undoubtedly the most diverse nation in the world with people representing different cultures and ethnicities. The Constitution of the United States guarantee equal protection of all citizens and prohibits discrimination based on gender, age, physical characteristics, or any other factors which make one person different to the others. However, it should be recognized that the American society does not function as the nation of equals as discrimination, stereotyping, and prejudices are still widespread. The American children are taught at schools that the United States of America was founded with the idea that all people are considered equal (Jeynes and Martinez 195). The history books suggest that the founding fathers did not apply this idea to the African American slaves in the South; however, the ratification of the Constitution was the first step to bring the principle of equality into law. Even though the American government grants equal rights and equal protections to all citizens, it would be wrong to state with confidence that the American society is the nation of equals. Jeynes and Martinez emphasize that as long as Darwinism evolution remains the sole teaching about mans origins that children are exposed to in the public schools, racism will be highly institutionalized in the way children are instructed (196). Even though this argument deals mostly with religious aspects of the human evolution, Jeynes and Martinez describe the current situation in American society very clear. Even today, many people are strongly convinced that the Whites are superior to African Americans in their intellectual abilities while African Americans are superior to Whites in terms of physical development and athletic skills. It is possible to assume that African Americans, for example, are more skilful in sports due to their physical characteristics; however, this difference should not become the benchmark for dividing society in groups. Due to the social stratification and the segmentation of the nation into different groups, the concept of equality is present on the paper only. Every person has a number of groups he or she belongs to. For example, a teenager may belong to the African American group by his race, basketball team by his sports participation, Christian group by his religious beliefs, and high school community by his age. From one side, social identification is necessary for the development as well as normal functioning of any person. From the other side, the institutionalized social groups contribute to further division of society and diminishment of the concept of equality. Sidlow and Henschen draw the attention of the American nation to the idea of civil rights which guarantee all citizens equal treatment under the law, as supported with the Fourteenth Amendment (99). From the standpoint of democracy, all people have equal rights as well. However, the idea of equality within American society is an ideal which has not been achieved yet. Numerous groups in American society struggle today to obtain equal treatment. For example, the gay couples try to obtain legal equality in terms of marriage and adoption of children and millions of illegal immigrants strive to achieve legal status of citizens. Thus, the law does not allow discrimination against a particular group of people; however, it does not imply that equality is created. In a sense, the emergence of the independent United States is based on the history of discrimination against minorities. Sidlow and Henschen emphasize that discrimination against women, African Americans, and Native Americans dates back to the early years of the nation, the time when farmers in the South refused to give equal rights to others (99). As more and more diverse people arrived to the United States, it was necessary to bring in the issue of equality into political framework. Nevertheless, it was not enough to ensure equality on the paper; it was necessary to integrate the concept of equality into social relations. Consequently, today millions of people belonging to diverse minority groups have no opportunity to experience equality in their daily lives. It is important to mention that despite of the widespread recognition of the importance of equality and tolerance towards differences among people, the scientific and academic community started to focus on the rights of minority people only a decade or two ago. In particular, the idea of the inclusive classrooms emerged only several years ago, when the educators realized that their classrooms were composed of diverse students with different needs. It does not mean that classrooms became diverse only a decade ago. It means that the issue of equality has not been properly addressed before. Initially, it was expected that the diverse people coming to the United States would be assimilated into the mainstream culture. However, Vera and Feagin argue that today the mere idea of assimilation is no longer effective. Thus, clear distinctions are made between those who believe all people should be given a fair chance to succeed and those who believe that if people dont have equal access to res ources, measures should be take to equalize opportunity (299). Unfortunately, the equality in American nation exists mostly theoretically rather than practically. People are judged by their market value, as Americans are taught to respect the wealthy and despise the poor. The human character has less value than social and physical attributes. Moreover, Vera and Feagin suggest that very few people are willing to support proactive measure to ensure equality because it would mean loss of the privileges for the dominant groups. At the same time, many people believe that equality is the defining feature of the American society, as any person from any part of the world is able to become successful in this country. However, this view is expressed in support of the economic success rather than social equality. In addition to economic measures of success, the American people attribute significant value to individualism as opposed to collectivism. In other words, Americans tend to emphasize the importance of individuals rather than teams, groups, or community. Naylor argues that because of this particular flavor of self-reliance, the American nation can not become equal (56). For many people, equality means nothing more than equal participation in educational and educational systems, for example. Indeed, equality does not mean that all people have equal talents and are able to achieve outstanding success. Equality is not attainable in these aspects. Therefore, equality means equal access to systems and equal opportunities for all people. The global community believes that the American nation grants equal opportunities to all citizens. Nevertheless, until today no significant progress has been achieved to guarantee equal opportunities. Many initiatives have been introduced to tackle the problem of discrimination with the hope to integrate equality into American society. For example, the affirmative action was institutionalized to give minority students a better chance for admission. However, affirmative action initiative failed because of its ineffectiveness. The American society is not a nation of equals, and the removal of the political barriers to equality did not result in the removal of economic and social barriers as well. Naylor suggests that the members of the mainstream culture tend to focus on freedom, the rights of the individual, equality, achievement, and mobility (57). The members of other groups strive to become part of mainstream culture as well. The reason to seek membership in dominant culture is rather obvious for many centuries, the dominating groups have been enjoying more rights and freedoms. Today, the situation is not much different to the time when African Americans were slaves, for example. Even though slavery has been prohibited, members of minority groups do not have equal access to political, economic, and social systems. The reason for the failure to bring equality into society is not related to the weakness of political system or lack of opportunities for all. The key issue behind lack of equality is related to cultural and economic factors. For example, a teenager born to immigrant parents may not have equal opportunity to attend college compared to other students only because his parents are not able to afford education. Consequently, this teenager is not able to take advantage of equal opportunity to have well-paid job because lack of education is projected on career. In the long-run, this teenager is likely to become an adult who does not fit the mainstream group of successful, educated Whites not because of ethnic or racial differences but rather because of the social and economic barriers. In conclusion, the American nation prides itself for its principle of equality, freedoms and rights for all. Nevertheless, the reality is that equality remains nothing more than a concept addressed by the American Constitution. As the nation of immigrants, the American society includes diverse people who strive to take the fullest advantage of their individualism. To ensure equality, the government should remove not only legislative barriers to equal participation but also provide all people with an opportunity to participate in economic and social systems.

Is Abortion Wrong or is it Right? :: abortion argumentative persuasive argument

Abortion is defined as: "the termination of pregnancy and expulsion of an embryo or of a fetus that is incapable of survival." However, if only the debate over the abortion issue was as simple as the definition provided above. Much like every aspect of human life, a statement is neither right nor wrong, but simply left open for interpretation. There is no black and white in life, only gray areas. Some issues tend to provide us more gray areas than others. Abortion is a prime example of that. Those who refute abortion claim that it is the murder of a helpless baby who has not yet had the chance to live and function as a human being. However, the debate opposite it is just as fervent: it is a woman's right to choose what happens to her body, and if she decides that she is not capable of bringing a child into this world, than she shouldn't be forced to out of nature. Where do we draw the line between humane and inhumane, necessitated death and murder? When does a woman's right over her internal reproductive organs become that of the government's? Is abortion wrong or is it right? Are rape, incest,and potential fatality to the mother exceptions when abortion is "okay"? Are there truly any at all? So many questions are raised by such a fervent debate, that we must look at both sides of the issue to better understand it in a general, but yet thorough approach. As expected, there are many people that are opposed to abortion. These people are better referred to as "pro-life advocates", or essentially, they advocate the life of the baby over the woman's right to choose. Groups such as Human Life International (HLI), The Christian Coalition, and many others support the right of human life. There are several reasons why people who are pro-life do not support abortion. A main argument is that one is killing an unborn baby, murdering an unsuspecting life, in their decision to have an abortion. They are trying to "play God" by killing someone. However, they also feel that abortion is a dangerous procedure, and puts the mother at

Friday, July 19, 2019

Character Personality Types in Pride and Prejudice Essay example -- Li

â€Å"Pride and Prejudice† was written by Jane Austin and published in 1813. Since its publication, Pride and Prejudice has remained a hugely popular book with multiple film adaptations. The success of â€Å"Pride and Prejudice† can be attributed to many factors such as its idyllic setting, the strained romance between the two main characters and the witty dialog. However, the relatability of the characters and the abundance of personality types reflected in modern society have made Pride and Prejudice one of the most loved books of all time. We can use the Jung theory on personality types to classify each character. Jung states: â€Å" †¦my first concern must be with the two general types I have termed introverted and extraverted. But, in addition, I shall also try to give a certain characterization of those special types whose particularity is due to the fact that his most differentiated function plays the principal role in an individual's adaptation or orientation to life.† (Jung) Just and introvert and extrovert are opposites of each other, the other types that make up a person personality are also opposite each other. This is best explained on the Meyer-Briggs Foundations website which describes four â€Å"dichotomies.† Introvert and extrovert are the first set of dichotomies, followed by sensing and intuition, thinking and feeling, and judging and perceiving. The combination of these characteristics make up one’s personality type. (Myers and Briggs Foundation) By using Jung’s theories we can analyze each character and identify what it is that makes the character relatable. Elizabeth is strong willed and knows what she wants. â€Å"A stile-jumper by conviction as well as instinct, she not only flouts convention, she holds it up for deliberate mock... ...xperienced an abundance of success and will continue to delight readers for years to come because of it relatable characters. Works Cited Austin, Jane. Pride and Prejudice. London: Egerton, 1813. Print. Deresiewicz, William. "Community and Cognition in "Pride and Prejudice"." ELH (1997): 503-535. Web. Ewin, R. E. "Pride, Prejudice and Shyness." Philosophy (1990): 137-154. Jung, C. G. Psycological Types. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1976. Web. 11 December 2011. . Morgan, Susan. "Intelligence in "Pride and Prejudice"." Modern Philology (1975): 54-68. Myers and Briggs Foundation. MBTI Basics. 2003. Web. 11 December 2011. . Sherry, James. "Pride and Prejudice: The Limits of Society." Studies in English Literature (1979): 609-622. Web.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Statement of Purpose for Mba

School of Environment and Natural Resources SENR BiWeek August 6, 2012 A NOTE FROM DAVID~ AN UPDATE STAFF APPRECIATION PUBLICATIONS EVENTS DIVYA GUPTA SHARES HER FIELDWORK IN INDIA ~ I returned from India this summer after spending six months collecting data for my dissertation. My dissertation is on the role of local institutions in natural resource management. For data collection I was working in the central Himalayan region where I visited several villages to interview people about forest management activities that are conducted and coordinated by the local institution in the region.This local institution is called Van Panchayat (Forest Committee), it is a traditional institution that dates back to 1931. Since it was formed before independence (India got its independence in August 1947), it is significant in terms of rights of locals’ to natural resources. I collaborated with an NGO working in the region that helped me with navigating remote villages and also with arranging accommodations in the villages. Going from one village to another was a challenge as there was lack of proper road network so driving was near to impossible, but thankfully there were paths/trails that very intricately connected all the villages.Those trails were very beautiful, they cut through dense tropical forests and since I would walk on those trails on early mornings and evenings, it also gave me a chance to spot some beautiful birds on my way. I walked 7-10 miles/day on an average to get to my destination, which was hard in the beginning, but with time my body adapted. Also, the walking helped with keeping the body warm during cold winters. Unlike the west, the east experienced one of the coldest winters last year.The houses on the hills in India don’t have central heating systems, they barely receive a continuous 24 hour supply of electricity and water, so people burn wood to keep their houses warm and drink lots of ginger tea to keep their bodies warm. To understan d the dependence of people on the forests, I did a lot of homestays – staying with local families was one of my most enriching experiences, it gave me a chance to see firsthand how closely these people’s lives were associated with forests. Also it was amazing to see how self-dependent those people were.They almost grew all their food, from grains to cereals to fruit and vegetables and even spices. Without any outside help, family members would work together to manage their fields – it was quite incredible! I became very attached to all the families I lived with, they took very good care of me and always made sure that I was comfortable. While conducting field work in India, I received funding from the Environment Change Institute (University of Oxford) to participate at a conference in London.This was a unique opportunity for me to share ideas about my research, talk about its progress, and at the same time get valuable feedback from experienced people working i n the same area. Being my first time in the UK, this was a great chance for me to also explore parts of England and Scotland too! Continued on page 2 SENR BiWeek — 2 On behalf of Ron Hendrick, I am excited to share information about a new service for a broad range of people who are professionally engaged in managing, protecting, and using our environment and natural resources, including students.The SENR will launch the Environmental Professionals Network (EPN) August 7th with two main components: multi-disciplinary interaction and networking through a community-oriented website at epn. osu. edu, and a monthly 2nd Tuesdays Breakfast Club on campus featuring great speakers on timely topics and offering additional networking opportunities. The EPN will strengthen SENR's support of people and organizations engaged in environmental management across Ohio and beyond. We recognize that even though society is information rich, quickly accessing information useful for your own needs can be quite challenging.This is often true in environmental management where so many social, economic, and technical factors crossing so many disciplines may be critical to solving a problem or creating an opportunity. The online querying capability of the EPN will facilitate quick access to information and knowledge from network colleagues who share a commitment to excellence in environmental management. It will also help work be more efficient and effective. The EPN online is free and participants can set their own level of involvement.Our speaker at the first 2nd Tuesdays Breakfast Club will be Larry Schweiger, President and CEO of the 4 million-member National Wildlife Federation, which is actively engaged in many critical environmental issues. I hope that you and others will want to be part of initiating the EPN at this exciting event Tuesday, September 11th, at the Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center – OSU’s first LEED-certified building. Go to epn. osu. edu for information/registration. Please contact me with questions or for a copy of our brochure at 614. 47. 1908 or hanselmann. [email  protected] edu. I would also appreciate you sharing information about EPN with your many colleagues. We need to cast a broad net and be inclusive. So please spread the word and forward our information; contact me for e-materials. Also, I would be happy to come out to your events to briefly share information about EPN and participation. Contact me anytime. I hope to see you for breakfast Tuesday, September 11th. Be there, and be part of starting something new, different, and important. O H – I O!A Note from David Hanselmann ~ Divya cont. Before I started my field work, I was apprehensive about going to a strange place and being able to work successfully. But I was pleasantly surprised by the kind of encouraging response I got from people. I feel thankful to have had the opportunity to live and work in India amidst the beautiful Himalayas an d it’s people – it was the most rewarding and inspiring experience. A great trip overall! Divya Gupta is a PhD candidate in the Environment and Natural Resource graduate program.Her advisor is Tom Koontz. OSU Wellness Celery — more than a crunch! Once thought of as a nutritional zero, celery is actually a great source of potassium, a nutrient that helps reduce blood pressure and regulate the balance of fluids and minerals in the body. If you thought bananas were tops for potassium, here’s a stalking surprise — four medium celery stalks deliver about the same amount of potassium as a medium banana. For a quick snack, dip celery in hummus or peanut butter for some added protein. SENR BiWeek — 3The New Undergraduate Major in Sustainability at Ohio State An Update from the Conference Chair There are 1500 to 1600 delegates from 75 countries expected to come to Columbus for EcoSummit 2012 on September 30 – October 5 to hear 10 plenary prese ntations from the world’s premier ecologists and environmental scientists and practitioners, and 600 invited presentations from around the world in 65 symposia and to participate in 21 forums and workshops on practical issues related to improving our environment.In addition, there will be another 850 general sessions and poster presentations during EcoSummit 2012. There are 6 pre-conference field trips based in Atlanta, New York, Washington DC, Miami, Chicago, and Columbus that will educate an estimated 100 international delegates about some to the large ecosystem restorations in the USA. Most delegates will take part in one of the 33 all-day mid-conference field trips that radiate throughout Ohio. This conference will focus on prescriptions for solving the world’s environmental problems far more than on descriptions.Symposia and lectures will involve ecological engineering, ecological restoration, green infrastructure, the prosperous way down, adapting to climate chan ge, earth stewardship, ecohydrology, eco-informatics, ecological modeling, sustainable agriculture, protecting biodiversity, carbon sequestration, human ecology, and enhancing ecosystem services. The plenary speakers, Pulitzer Prize winners E. O. Wilson and Jared Diamond, will give a memorial to the work of the recently deceased Nobel Prize winner Elinor Ostrom, and a summary of the global contributions of H. T. Odum in ecological economics, engineering, and modeling, and energy futures.There will also be a 50th anniversary event of Rachel Carson’s landmark book Silent Spring at this first conference to link the Ecological Society of America (ESA), The International Association for Ecology (INTECOL) and the Society for Ecological Restoration International (SER). Individuals can still register to attend at http://www. ecosummit2012. org/index. htm. Students who have a passion for sustainability can put their passion into practice by enrolling in Ohio State’s new major c alled Environment, Economy, Development and Sustainability (EEDS) (http://eeds. osu. edu/).The EEDS major is a multi-disciplinary degree program in sustainability that provides students in-depth training in the economic, business and social aspects of sustainability. This cutting-edge major provides the core knowledge and skills students need to pursue a career in sustainability in the private, public or non-profit sector. Sustainability is a rapidly growing field and knowledge of sustainability is becoming an important competency in many types of jobs. The academic rigor of this major, coupled with opportunities for hands-on learning, will give students an important advantage when it comes time to launching their careers.Students can enroll now for Fall 2012! Learn more about this pioneering major and how to enroll, sign-up for our newsletter, like us on facebook, and start following us on twitter and pinterest by visiting http://eeds. osu. edu/. Alumni Award Selection Rattan Lal w ill be honored with the OSU Alumni Association's Professional Achievement Award at a ceremony on Sept. 14th. He received his PhD in Agronomy in 1968. SENR BiWeek — 4 Staff Appreciation The 2012 Staff Appreciation Week will be held August 13-17, 2012. Activities on the Columbus campus include the Rally for Wellness, Tuesday (8/14) from 9:00 a. m. to 1:00 p. . in the RPAC. Your Plan for Health and OSU Health Plan, the Department of Recreational Sports, and USAC sponsor this event. Nearly 100 healthand wellness-related exhibitors and professionals offer biometric screenings, chair massages, osteoporosis and skin cancer screenings, and samples of delicious, healthy food. Attending the health fair earns points toward the university's YP4H Faculty and Staff Incentive Program, so be sure to attend! The Staff Arts ; Crafts Exhibit will begin Thursday (8/16) with a reception 11:30 a. m. to 1:00 p. m. at Bricker 2nd Floor area. This exhibit will be on display into October.On Friday (8/ 17) a USAC Pep Rally at the Ohio Union will be held 12:00 to 1:30 p. m. Planned by USAC's Outreach and Engagement Subcommittee and staffed by USAC members, the pep rally features Ohio State cheerleaders, members of The Ohio State University Marching Band, Brutus Buckeye, and special guests to kick off the football season. The CFAES SAC will hold the Columbus Staff Appreciation Day on Tuesday (8/14) from 11:00 a. m. to 1:00 p. m. on the Kottman Hall lawn & gazebo area. There will be free lunch, ice cream, games and door prizes. RSVP at http://go. osu. edu/K6p. Wooster Fun Fest is Aug. 7th, 11:30-3:00, where staff will enjoy free food, games, and cheer on your tug-of-war team! The OARDC and ATI Staff Council sponsor this event. The CFAES SAC is currently accepting nominations for their 2012 Staff Recognition: Above and Beyond Awards and the Shirley Brooks-Jones Award. The Shirley Brooks-Jones Award recognizes staff excellence, the Key Values Award recognizes staff with less than 3 yea rs of experience. The Innovation Award goes to staff who initiate new improvements to the workplace, and the Special Recognition goes to a staff member who offered special assistance.Nomination forms are available online at the Staff Advisory Council website. Laura E. (Bast) Lindsey graduated with Honors in 2009 with BS and MS degrees from SENR, with a research focus in soil fertility. She has now joined the faculty in the HCS where she will serve as the Extension Specialist in Soybean and Small Grains for OSU Extension in collaboration with OARDC. Her focus will be to develop extension outreach education and research on soybean and wheat production within sustainable cropping systems. Laura is originally from Plymouth, OH.She obtained the PhD degree in Crop and Soil Science from Michigan State University in May 2012, where she conducted research in weed science and soil fertility. She has received several fellowships and grants, including the 2011 Outstanding Graduate Student Award in recognition of exceptional accomplishment, research, and service from the North Central Extension-Industry Soil Fertility Conference in Des Moines, IA. She is author of several peer-reviewed journal articles, numerous abstracts and proceedings articles, extension newsletter articles, and extension bulletins. If you would like to reconnect with Laura her email is lindsey. [email  protected] edu. Alum Returns One Last Thing —> Don’t wait! Take your PHA Today! Enrolled in an Ohio State medical plan? Complete the YP4H Personal Health Assessment (PHA) and Biometric Health Screening by Sept. 30th to receive the full 2013 PHA Medical Plan Premium Credit of $360. SENR BiWeek — 5 PUBLICATIONS Bhatti, Tariq M. , Jerry M. Bigham, Antti Vuorinen and Olli H. Tuovinen. 2012. Chemical and bacterial leaching of metals from black schist sulfide minerals in shake flasks. International Journal of Mineral Processing 110:25-29. Chaudhary, D. R. , J. Saxena, N. Lorenz and R. P. Dick. 2012.Distribution of recently fixed photosynthate in a switchgrass plant-soil system. Plant Soil and Environment 58(6):249255. Drobyshev, Igor, P. Charles Goebel, Yves Bergeron and R. Gregory Corace, III. 2012. Detecting changes in climate forcing on the fire regime of a North American mixedpine forest: A case study of Seney National Wildlife Refuge, Upper Michigan. Dendrochronologia 30(2SI):137-145. Goebel, P. C. , K. S. Pregitzer and B. J. Palik. 2012. Influence of flooding and landform properties on riparian plant communities in an old-growth northern hardwood watershed. Wetlands 32:679-691.Goebel, P. C. , B. J. Pailk and K. S. Pregitzer. 2012. Structure and composition of riparian forests in an old-growth northern hardwood-hemlock watershed. Forest Ecology and Management 280:52-61. Gorney, Rebecca M. , Marsha G. Williams, Dawn R. Ferris and Lance R. Williams. 2012. The influence of channelization on fish communities in an agricultural coldwater stream system. American Midland Naturalist 168(1):132-143. Graser, William H. , III, Stanley D. Gehrt, Laura L. Hungerford and Chris Anchor. 2012. Variation in demographic patterns and population structure of raccoons across an urban landscape.Journal of Wildlife Management 76(5):976-987. Kautza, Adam and Mazeika P. Sullivan. 2012. Relative effects of local- and landscapescale environmental factors on stream fish assemblages: evidence from Idaho and Ohio, USA. Fundamental and Applied Limnology 180(3):259-270. Lane, Matthew, Nicola Lorenz, Jyotisna Saxena, Cliff Ramsier and Richard P. Dick. 2012. Microbial activity, community structure and potassium dynamics in rhizosphere soil of soybean plants treated with glyphosate. Pedobiologia 55(3):153-159. McConnell, T. E. 2012. The economic impact of Ohio’s wood furniture industry.Proceedings of the Forest Products Society 66th International Convention, Washington, DC. 7 p. Publications cont. McConnell, T. E. 2012. Forest products: Building economic growth i n Ohio. Procedings of the Forest Products Society 66th International Convention, Washington, DC. 6 p. McConnell, T. E. and D. K. Apsley. 2012. Jackson County’s forest economy. The Ohio State University Extension Fact Sheet F-76-12. McConnell, T. E. and G. W. Graham. 2012. Holmes County’s forest economy. The Ohio State University Extension Fact Sheet F-75-12. Sloan, John J. , Peter A. Y. Ampim, Nicholas T.Basta and Roger Scott. 2012. Addressing the need for soil blends and amendments for the highly modified urban landscape. Soil Science Society of America Journal 76(4)):1133-1141. Sullivan, S. Mazeika P. and Kerri T. Vierling. 2012. Exploring the influences of multiscale environmental factors on the American dipper Cinclus mexicanus. Ecography 35(7):624-626. PRESENTATIONS Charles Goebel presented ‘Complexity, resiliency, and restoration – Lessons from the forests of eastern North America' as an invited presentation to the School of Natural Resources, Trinit y College in Dublin, Ireland (July 16, 2012).Eric McConnell presented ‘The economic impact of Ohio’s wood furniture industry' and ‘Forest products: Building economic growth in Ohio' at the Forest Products Society 66th International Convention in Washington, DC (June 3-5, 2012). SENR BiWeek — 6 EVENTS Monday, August 6, 2012 CMASC Seminar @ 1:00 p. m. @ 460 Kottman Hall Speakers: Drs. Cerri and Maia, CMASC Visiting Scholars Title: Carbon Budget by Land Use Change and Biofuel Production in Brazil 2012 Teaching Orientation @ Ohio State Monday, August 13, 2012 CMASC Seminar @ 1:00 p. m. 460 Kottman Hall Speaker: Atanu Mukherjee, CMASC Postdoctoral Researcher Title: Impacts of Various Amendments in Soil Quality Friday, August 17, 2012 SENR Faculty Retreat @ 8:30 a. m. – 4:30 p. m. @ Alum Creek State Park Guest: Kaz Obrietan, Marketing Specialist This annual event has been designed specifically for new Ohio State GTAs, to reduce anxieties, provide some tech niques and strategies for effective teaching, and suggest resources for further assistance. The orientation is sponsored by the University Center for the Advancement of Teaching (UCAT).Tuesday, Aug. 14, 2012 1:00–2:00 p. m. , Hitchcock Hall Introduction to Teaching and Learning: Overview 2:20–5:00 p. m. , Central Classroom Building Introduction to Teaching and Learning: Part I Wednesday, Aug. 15, 2012 9:00 a. m. –12:30 p. m. , Central Classroom Building Introduction to Teaching and Learning: Part II Teaching as a Grader Teaching in the Clinical Setting Lunch – On Your Own, 12:30–2:00 p. m. 2:00–3:30 p. m. , Hitchcock Hall University Policies and Procedures Every Teacher Should Know 3:30–5:00 p. m. Physics Research Building Teaching Resource Fair Thursday, August 16, 2012 9:00–10:15 a. m. and 10:30–11:45 a. m. (morning sessions) 1:00–2:15 p. m. and 2:30–3:45 p. m. (afternoon sessions) Central Classroom Build ing (Unless otherwise noted) College Teaching Topics For more information visit the UCAT website. A New Website is Coming to SENR A team from SENR met on July 24th with a team from CommTech to officially kickoff a new SENR website. A college-wide project championed by Linda Martin, all academic units will have their web presence fall under a new CFAES umbrella site.Agricultural Communication, Education, and Leadership, along with Plant Pathology, have launched their new websites. A new CFAES Academic Programs website is scheduled to launch in August. The SENR website is scheduled to launch in January 2013. Kaz Obrietan of Kaz & Co. will also be contributing to the School's online presence. This SENR BiWeek contains highlights from the School along with announcements of upcoming seminars, programs and events. If you have items to be included in future mailings please forward your information to Pat Patterson.

Reproductive System Essay

Discuss the decide of the lesson. 2. Brainstorm with the trend rough frame separate. 3. Use procreative form Visuals 1-6 to continue reviewing the male and pistillate reproductive carcasss including the location and function of separately part. . Lead the activity labeling parts of the reproductive system. 5. Assign homework. This lesson was ab step up recently interchange on March 23, 2011. hu military man beings wellness Seattle & world power County 1988 revised 2011 www. kingcounty. gov/health/ shabby Lesson 2 summon 1 Family purport history and intimate health, laid-back enlighten chinchy Materials Needed Student Materials productive System Worksheets (1 copy per student) Individual Homework image (1 copy per student) Family Homework Talking well-nigh the Reproductive System (1 copy per student) schoolroom Materials Reproductive System Visuals 1-6 (contained in this lesson & also getable online as a PowerPoint fall away www. ingcounty. gov/heal th/FLASH) Labeled dead torso parts for mobroom activity, one set per class Seven pairs of scissors T each(prenominal)er preparation Well in advance reexamination lecture notes due to the large tot of terms and definitions. The day beforehand the lesson get up copies of Materials Needed (see above) Prep atomic number 18 visuals for use on a SMART Board or projector. Note When the lesson says board, use whatever is available in your classroom. shopworns National Health procreation Standard Standard 3 Students exit demonstrate the ability to access valid data, products and services to enhance health. Performance forefinger 3. 12. 4 Determine when professional health services whitethorn be required. chapiter State Health Education Standard Essential Academic Learning requisite (EALR) 2 The student acquires the knowledge and skills needful to maintain a healthy life Recognizes dimensions of health, recognizes stages of growth and development, reduces health risks, and lives safely.Component 2. 2 Understands stages of growth and development. Grade Level Expectations (GLE) 2. 2. 1 Analyzes the physiological and psychological changes throughout the lifetime. Public Health Seattle & King County 1988 revised 2011 www. kingcounty. gov/health/flash Lesson 2 Page 2 Family Life and Sexual Health, High School FLASH Activities NOTE Instructions to you are in regular font. A suggested playscript is in italics. Feel free to modify the script to your style and your students needs. 1. Discuss the purpose of the lesson.Identify the lesson as, primarily, a review of entropy that many students learned in primarily grades. Explain that being well-grounded in knowledge about the reproductive system will help them make esthesis of discussions later in the unit about pregnancy, birth control, and fetch upually transmitted diseases. Also, if they harbor health problems in the future, knowing personate parts helps them explain to a health provider what the y think the problem may be. 2. Brainstorm with the class about body parts. Write on the board in triad columns manly / Female / Both. hold students to name reproductive system body parts, both internal and external, in the three columns. Fill in from the Teacher dominate List (below) the parts that students befoolt mention. As you list the parts on the board, briefly define each body part, where it is in the body and what it does. 3. Use Reproductive System Visuals 1-6 to continue reviewing the male and female reproductive systems, including the location and function of each part. Use a document tv camera (or SMART Board, overhead projector, etc) to project the images on the board.Explain that the parts labeled as male, female, or both are for most people, but when people are androgyne (i. e. , they have a disorder of sex development), there may be somewhat differences differences that were present at birth. NOTE concisely review what it does (each parts function, below) if students are unfamiliar with the physiology, as you point to the visuals. delight do not feel that you must(prenominal) convey e very(prenominal) bit of information in the Teacher Background chart, below. comment more suggested language regarding the hymen and circumcision in Lesson 16, p 5.Teacher Background Male Part extremity ( do up of shaft, glans, and sometimes foreskin) foreskin Public Health Seattle & King County What it Is / What it Does suspends career of urine and of semen provides wiz (has many middle endings) the average penis measures 3-4 when its not effect (flaccid) and 5-7 when erect 1 protects the glans of the penis provides fighter males whove been circumcised dont have one goodly sac which is shorter when cold, abundanter when warm holds testes controls temperature provides sensation ww. kingcounty. gov/health/flash scrotum 1988 revised 2011 Lesson 2 Page 3 Family Life and Sexual Health, High School FLASH ca-ca spermatozoan cell an d sex hormones (androgens, testosterone) each is made of 500-1,200 feet 2 of tightly coiled tubes allows sanies of sperm cellphone from a man (commonly called sperm) they carry strings of genes (called chromosomes) or DNA instructions in episode the sperm cell meets with an egg cell and fertilizes it. uspend the testicle supply blood to the testis provide sensation carry sperm from the testis provides storage for sperm allow passage of sperm as uncollectible around as sewing twist they lead into the abdomen, where (behind the bladder) they widen into storage sacs head fructose (sugar) to semen for nourishing the sperm helps sperm live longer and spark better about a teaspoon full per ejaculation call forths most of the legato that makes up semen pair of secretory organs produce fluid called pre-ejaculate or pre-cum that strips the urethra of acid (from urine) to protect the sperm estes (also called testicles) singular = testis epididymis (plural = epididymes) spermatazoa n (plural = spermatozoa) spermatic cords vas deferens (plural = vasa deferentia also called sperm ducts) seminal vesicles semen prostate gland Cowpers glands (also called bulbourethral glands) Female Part uterus (made up of muscular walls, a lie called the endometrium, and a cervix.The uterus is also called womb) cervix What it Is / What it Does ouses and protects embryo/fetus/ thwart allows nutrient waste exchange with placenta nourishes an embryo, before a placenta grows the bottom section of the uterus produces fluids to help sperm belong produces a mucous plug to keep germs out during pregnancy allows passage of sperm produces fluids to cleanse and lubricate itself and to help sperm travel allows passage of shed endometrium during menstruation allows passage of baby provides sensation (has many nerve endings especially in the outer third) a collapsed tube, like a deflated billow www. ingcounty. gov/health/flash vagina Public Health Seattle Ki ng County 1988 revised 2011 Lesson 2 Page 4 Family Life and Sexual Health, High School FLASH 3 long when not aroused, 5-6 when aroused, 3 but very stretchy is the middle of females three openings membrane partly concealment vaginal opening ome girls are natural without a hymen may be stretched during sexual intercourse or by using a tampon or with fingers carry strings of genes called chromosomes which mix with chromosomes of sperm to direct fetal development if fertilized and ingrained in the uterus they dissolve in the Fallopian tube after about 24 hours if not fertilized.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Peter Stark Essay

thick of simple(a)s articlePeter everlasting(a)s article As Freezing Persons mean The degree centigradeFirst Chill thus jounceThen The Letting go the cold unstated facts of halt to death talks and explains what happens to the human tree trunk when a person is freezing to death only when it also gives an enjoyable fib for the reader. The component in this story is in his way to a conversances house for dinner and night baby country ski when his landrover slides off the avenue and gets stuck in a snow bank. Stark do it clear that his pillowcase was not panicked at first but just simply maladjusted about missing the dinner with his friends. Not wanting(p) to miss his plans the character puts his skis on, looks at the map, and heads to the cabin on top of the hill. While this story is unfolding Stark includes scientific data about the lowest bone marrow temperature a human can have to begin with perishing. The character wants to save time by passing game up the stee p hill instead of following(a) the road that has many switch backs this is when everything starts to go wrong.The character goes for about an hour with no sign of the road, maculation assessing the map he hears a metallic turn out and a small-arm of his binding has popped out. The character is seek to get hold the piece of his binding and while he does this his body temperature begins to lower after finding the piece his centerfield temperature has lowered a substantial amount. The character has now started to panic and decides to go back to the jeep and its warmth on his way down he falls and lands pretty hard and he is flavour very tired so decides to rest. The rest of the story goes on with him losing and gaining conciseness but his body is besides weak to get up and move on and more data about core temperatures and hypothermia. The friends find the character in the snow half defenseless but he isnt dead he has a faint heart beat so they take him to the hospital and the doctor brings up his core temperature. The character survives. Stark, Peter.As Freezing Persons Recollect The SnowFirst ChillThen StuporThen The Letting go the cold hard facts of freezing to death. Outside magazine. Outside online. January 1997.web 26.aug. 2010

Tuesday, July 16, 2019



IntroductionLeadership and management, these are two words we use on daily basis. But the questions like how do we realise good leaders, what qualities, attitude, style and behaviour do they exhibit, are frequent. The ability to lead is not connected to education, although most leaders what are intelligent people. Many qualities required for a leader are also possessed by managers.Although it is unique to everyone there are a total number of common ways.I think, by developing our leadership skills, we are assured a more rewarding and successful career. There is no doubt that, leadership potential can be developed. With commitment, effort and practice, anybody can move beyond the skills you how are born with to be an excellent leader.â€Å"The most dangerous leadership myth is that leaders are born—that there is a genetic factor to leadership.Leadership differs to direction.

Bennis. Globalisation has resulted in diversity. To maximise contribution, each organisation and its managers are now challenged with creating inclusive cold working environment. They need to understand effective leadership style and culture to build trust and effective relationship.There are various means of considering leadership, that vary extract from focusing on the character traits of leadership that is excellent to highlighting facets of the scenario that help determine how folks lead.The strategies how that were effective yesterday are not necessarily effective in the same situation today†-QuinnLook more:  strategic management process essayIn order to face the growing competition in the market, it is very urgent for organisations to build potential leader. Developing strategic management and leadership skills should be a part of organisations’ actions.1.1 Explain the link between strategic management wired and leadership Strategic Management consists of t he analysis of any organisation, decision making and necessary actions in order to create and sustain competitive advantages.It is merely one of many other assets a thriving manager must possess.

Usually it is considered as the responsibility for the overall direction of the organization sums up what strategic management is all about. It can consider also define as the process of identifying and executing the organisation’s strategic goals (mission, vision and objectives) by matching its capabilities with the demand of its environment.Strategic senior management contains a set of managerial decisions. Leadership is the ability of a person to get other willingly to follow.Its something which is accomplished when a individual motivates individuals in a group.Equally, a good leader free will also be a manager. Majority of practical people are interested primarily in what they have to do, and not whether it should be labelled ‘leadership’ or ‘management’ or both. â€Å"It is very true that I have said that I considered Napoleon’s presence in the field equal to forty thousand other men in the balance† —Duke of Wellington. Difference between strategic management and leadershipManagement| Leadership|Intended to plan, organize, co-ordinate and evaluate| Job is to inspire and motivate| management administrate the organisation| Leaders innovate | senior Management tries to maintain the organisation| Leaders tries to develop| Focused on system and structure| Focuses on people|They focus on the present situation | They look towards future| React to problems logical and issues| Proactive to issues and problem| Prefer to control| Knows how to delegate|Minimising risk| Taking risk|  There are thousands of examples for leaders in the world.Leadership and top management arent synonymous.

2 Analysis of impact of management and leadership styles on strategic decision There are different leadership and management styles. Different various styles work well in different situations. They are based on different assumptions and theories. Strategic decisions taken by leaders depend upon their style.Leaders that are supportive understand and good sense women and men feel.2. Democratic styleThe leader involves employees in the decision making. This kind of style is usually appreciated by the employees or subordinate. how This style would bring problems in a situation where there are wide ranges of opinion and there is no well-defined way of taking the first final decision.They also need to make sure they manage change effectively.

Transactional leadershipThe assumption behind this kind of leadership is that people how are motivated by rewards and an organisation work well with a clear chain of command. This kind of leader works thorough creating all clear structures. Subordinates duty  will be well defined and also the reward they get for following the orders. Punishments are not always mentioned, but they how are also well-understood and formal systems of discipline are usually in place.Your leaders are the best factor on your companys capability.Transformational leaderThis style is based on the assumption deeds that employees will follow a leader who motivates them and a person with vision and passion can achieve anything. Transformation strong leadership start with the development of a vision, a view and path to future. That will excite and converter the employees. Transformational religious leaders are so committed always.Youre a pioneer, even in case you dont know it.

Understanding the situation 3. Applying appropriate skills and techniques.Leaders having different styles empty can have different levels of key elements. So the way and level in which they identify their personality can differ."Every leader has a certain style of political leadership thats innate.Especially when a strategic decision needs to made quickly. The impact of this style is for many people, this style feels harsh, a first great possibility of demotivation. Rest of people  assured leader can demonstrate consideration and compassion for team while using the Autocratic style, even though the team is not directly involved in the decision. There are situations in which leader wants input from employees or teams.Leaders are common now.

There is a more common thought that leaders who listen considerately to their follower’s opinion before making final decision get good result as compared to non-listeners. In the case of democratic style, the leader gives up ownership and control of a decision and allows the group to vote. Advantage of this own style is fairly fast decision, and an amount of group participation. No organisation or leader can implement a single style to deal with the multitude of decision that needs to be made during change process (Nancy, 2007).It could mean the folks who own and short run the company.Charismatic leadership style got few drawbacks. The complaint against Lord Browne was administration by media and business associates fuelled his charismatic new style and he ignored day to day core business activities.1.3 How leadership styles can be adopted to different situations? Success of an political organisation or a group dependent on the effectiveness of the leader.When employees are empowered theyre more prone to make decisions which are at the very best interest of the particular client and the organization also.

Leaders must be up to date of the situations. Leaders must be prepared to step in and show the way in all kind of situations.Different style can be adapted to different situations in relation to 1. Business- situations 2.Are such far more likely to reveal their very own loyalty the moment it matters.We know that high risk situation needs very strong and active direct involvement by the leader to keep it control. The people or team members: – In every organisation, there will have different different kind of employees or members.Differ by characters, talents, skills, attitude etc. identifying the team members is a tough task.IT leadership theory Learn the best way to be.

He made a resolution to transform GE into one of the world biggest firm. With his unique leadership style and character, Welch made history during his 2-decade journey at GE. His way of leading was based on some concepts. Lead, not manage:- according to him political leadership can be found in as long as they come up with good ideas and can energize rather than depress and control.Face reality: – good company was losing its market values and there was too much bureaucracy when Jack Welch joined the company. He realised the social realities and brought out strategies and  initiatives that made things better. Simplify the business: – his goal at GE was simplify the business. He didn’t think deeds that business had to be complicated.It can mean opportunities, good ideas, new business or new products (kevin, 2007). Lead by more energizing others, not managing by authority: – Welch called his leadership ideal ‘boundary less’, which means an open organization, free of bureaucracy logical and anything that prevents the free flow of ideas, people and decisions (kevin, 2007). His choice was inspiring others to perform well. red Lead by doing- one of the leadership style adapted by GEInformation technology is critical to the future of GE.The basic assumption behind the theory is that individual characteristics’ make how them suitable leaders only in certain situations. Each situation requires a leader to vary behaviour to fit the conditions. In other words, there is no right or wrong way in leading all the time. Fred Fiedler’s contingency theoryIn 1967, Fred Fiedler proposed his contingency theory.

According to Fielder, the direct relationship oriented style is more effective in situations which are intermediate in favourableness. When an intermediate situation is present, the leader can self help to build confidence and cohesion by focusing on the personal needs of the individuals (Henman, 2007). Hersey and Blanchard theoryIt is another situational theory. This economic theory was introduced 10 year after Fiedler’s theory.That is, followers are not mature or immature in any total or chronological sense; rather, they have varying degrees of maturity depending on knowledge of or experience with a specific goal (Henman, 2007). Leader-style theoryThis theory was introduced by Vroom and Yetton. They explain the different ways leader can make decisions and necessary following guidelines for leader in order to determine the extent to which subordinate should participated in decision making. Charismatic leadershipCharisma, as explained by Max Weber, is a certain good qual ity of individual personality, by virtue of which he or she is apart from ordinary people and treated as a personality with exceptional power or qualities.An effective leader needs to diagnose the needs and wants of followers and then react accordingly.The impact of different theories of management on organisational strategy will be different. giant IBM needs extraordinary leaders who can create high-performance work climates and foster employee engagement; people who not only succeed but enable others to as well. A disciplined process of identifying and developing high achievers and leaders has been a main stone of IBM’s strategy to regain market political leadership in the IT industry.As Fiedler explained, task oriented leaders are very effective when conditions are favourable or unfavourable. When conditions are favourable, members relations how are strong, there is a positive relation between team and leader. Hence new strategies can bring and work it out well so easily. In unfavourable certain circumstances or in stressful situations, a leader’s structure and control can remove undesirable ambiguity and the anxiety that goes with it.

2.2 Create a leadership strategy that support organisational direction Leadership strategy for General ElectricsThe General Electric Company, or GE, is an American multinational conglomerate corporation incorporated in New York. Company operates in five sectors via energy, technology infrastructure, capital finance, consumer andindustrial.It old has been almost a decade since Jack Welch retired as GE’s chairman and CEO, the brain behind the success of GE.If we consider their way in which they lead, and how their decisions, it is clear that they preferred transformational leadership style. Even though both used the same style, Jack Welch had been more opposite extreme than his successor. Leadership strategy: – choosing a best leadership style is the major step in leadership strategy. Leadership at company such like GE is very crucial.It is concerned with emotions, values, ethics, standards, and long-term goals and includes assessing followers’ motives, satis fying their needs, and treating them as full human beings†- (Northouse). The reason behind the selection of this leadership style is this style motivates the followers. The leader and followers are full well aligned in this system. A transformational leader can motivate the followers by setting challenging goals.We have seen the different leadership style and their impact on organisation. Even though, no particular leadership style is better always. It depends on the situations. The best style GE can use is transformational leadership because of based its unique advantages.

The leaders should have collective capabilities like providing direction, motivate the followers, engaging employees in decision making and to gain their active support in implementing planned cross-functional actions, implementing successful innovations, adapting to change, ensuring transparency just like former leaders, developing talents logical and being responsive to customers like Jeffrey Immlet. Since the corporate strategy is becoming more global, it require greater cultural sensitivity among leaders, enhanced representation of different geographies at top level, enhanced language skills to enable cross cultural relationships and greater understanding of local laws and business arrangement in strategy making.3.1 Use appropriate different methods to review current leadership requirement We know the important of leaders.These programs build perfect foundation for accelerating  learning and development in a particular domain, from commercial to operations, from human res ources to information management, from finance and communications to modern technology (GE, Leadership Programs, 2013).There are more than 300,000 employees in GE. The company operates through different sector. GE consistently ranks as the most admired and respected new company in the world.CEO of GE believes that ideal situation for a global firm was to have its factory on a barge that you could first move around the world to wherever it was the best competitive environment at the time. Their strategy is to expand business globally, instead of just looking for alliances.Fast moving anti Globalisation opens new opportunities for a global firm like GE. Hence leadership requirement at GE is tremendous.But they need leaders not only in quantity great but also in quality.3.2 Plan for the development of future situations requiring leadership Requirement of leaders in the GE increases. Leaders are logical not only required in the top level but also in the various bottom levels also.

Leadership Programs: – GE has various leadership programs. As part of their strategy to achieve commercial excellence and drive organic growth, they are developing a pipeline of strong sales logical and marketing leaders at GE through  the Commercial Leadership Program (CLP).CLP offers a curriculum that boosts the development of commercial skills and various techniques that are critical to success in all GE businesses. CLP prepares candidates for a successful career in sales or first commercial operations by providing the opportunity to learn about GE’s products, industry, and customers while making valuable contributions to the on-going success of GE.As compared to their profit growth, they need more to build leadership qualities in their employees. Human resource leadership program: – In GE’s Human Resources Leadership Program people are gaining real-world business experience, contributing to GE businesses and getting in first line for HR leaders hip roles across the company.HRLPs can build countless HR leaders within GE. Experienced commercial leadership programs: – The Experienced Commercial Leadership Program (ECLP) prepares time MBA graduates and experienced professionals for GE leadership roles in marketing and sales.But under certain specific condition, they need specific skills. The more basic skill required for leaders are explained below.Integrity: – this is the basic quality of a leader. This quality makes people trust the leader.They can speak openly logical and accurately about their limitations. Self-regulation: – People who are in control of their feelings and sudden  temptation are able to create an environment of public trust and fairness. Appropriate self-regulators are usually thoughtful and resist making impulsive decisions. These are definite qualities of a good leader.

Communication skills: – to deliver leader’s idea properly, private communication skill is very necessary. A good communicator can pay attention and listen carefully. Lead by example: – One of the best ways to red lead is by example – use where needed, lending a helping hand, and making sure that the work you do is clearly understood by apply your team. Leadership skills strataplex: –Leadership skill requirements are often described as being stratified by organizational level.They are comprised of those skills related to basic cognitive capacities, such as collecting, processing, and disseminating information and learning and are the fundamental skills required for a large portion of the activities in which political leaders are engaged (Mumford, 2007) .These skills include skills like oral communication, written communication, ability to learn and adapt etc. 2. Interpersonal SkillsThese are skill relating to interacting keyword with and influe ncing others.Strategic SkillsStrategic skill requirements are highly conceptual skills needed to take a systems perspective to understand complexity, deal with ambiguity, and to  effect political influence in the organization (Mumford, 2007). This includes skills for planning, visioning etc. â€Å"Leaders are not born, they are grown†- this is the word by the heavenly father of management, Peter Drucker. Leadership ability is not an inborn skill most times.1. Entry level program or Commercial leadership program (CLP) is an example for it. The CLP is a 12 to 24 month program that develops marketing and sales skills through a strong very core curriculum and challenging assignments. 2.

The ECLP program consists of three, eight-month rotational assignments within the marketing and sales functions of one of GE’s businesses (GE, Experienced Program, 2013).4. normal Operation management Leadership program (OMLP): OMLP accelerates development of entry-level talent and produces leaders capable of meeting the challenges facing the Operations, Supply Chain, Manufacturing logical and Quality functions at GE (GE, Entry level program, 2013).4.Commercial leadership program (CLP) provides candidates with valuable training, personal experience and exposure to a team of motivated colleagues and helpful mentors that can accelerate their careers. HRLP (Human Resource Leadership program) has created countless generations of HR leaders at GE. The program continues today and still focuses on taking talented people, providing forgive them with globally diverse challenging experiences, and developing them into world-class HR leaders. Candidates will have formal training, ro tation, seminars, business molecular simulations and community service activities.Another way of developing leadership skills is to get familiar with your followers. It will great help you in understanding their feelings and their needs, which in turn will help you in managing preventing their needs. Different plan for the development leadership skills includes conducting seminar, training programs, meetings, job rotations etc.ConclusionThis assignment is used to explain the important link between strategic management and leadership.Style should be adapted according to the business situation, team members and culture of the organisation. Different leadership theories are discussed in the assignment. Situational theories and contingency theories have been applied. The situations in which different theories can be applied are explained.

In this competitive world, organisation best can only sustain if and only if they can bring strong leaders.There are different ways of enhancing the leadership skills for future requirements. And there should be a plan of developing these skills. The new plan should cover all the current and  future needs for leadership and is helpful in the overall progress of the organization.Leadership style : A powerful model. TJ. Derue, S. (2011).Entry level program. Retrieved 2013, from http://www.Retrieved may 5, 2013, from GE. (2013) GE. (2013, January 1). Leadership Goleman, D. (2004). Leadership That Gets Result.